A mental asylum. The Director sits at his desk, talking to a patient. He says: “Yes, you’re cured, but I’m going to keep you locked up here and collect the money for your treatment. Who’s going to believe we had this conversation? You’re crazy.”
Angel Varak-Iglar, who is already a Jennifer Garner fan, says the idea of Jennifer Garner holding people up at gunpoint “made me like her more.” I think I agree.
I know my Count Dante piece yesterday was long, but I strongly recommend you read it. His story is nuts, and better than anything I could make up. Here’s another chance. You have the day off, anyway.
Who better to ring in the New Year than my own, one man “Usual Gang of Idiots,” Edd Turner:
Really nice, Edd. The distinction between the clean new prison uniform and the ragged old ones is especially well done. Thank you.
Make the new year better and draw my comics.