It’s labeled SIR THOMAS WYATT COMICS. Sir Thomas Wyatt sits at his desk looking annoyed as his wife reads his poetry out loud over his shoulder. She says: “‘They flee from me that sometime did me seek’… Well, no wonder, with that attitude!”
No one will like this comic but Andrew Solomon, but I’m writing it anyway because he liked the John Donne one.
More good response on the latest installment of my new middle grade novel, ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL, MY DEAR WATSON. You can start reading it here.
Hey, Striking Writers and Actors! If you’re not going to draw my comics (and, let’s be honest, you’re not) why don’t you proselytize for me a little and turn some of your fellow picketers on to this Substack? Show it to them in line. Everyone has extra time to read now, anyway.
Here is Boris Badenov impersonating a Union Boss to call a transit strike:
His name is a parody of Michael J. Quill, who was the actual boss of the New York City transit union. I’m sure 1960’s kids loved that joke.
Draw! Or get me subscribers! Do it.